Flowmesh Blog

B2B Copy: The secret sauce to elevating your business and boosting customer connections

Written by Kate Wolters | Apr 20, 2023 10:27:31 AM

It’s hard to think of a business that wouldn’t benefit from copywriting.  

Whether it’s aimed at bringing in organic search traffic, or persuading companies to part with their hard-won budgets, B2B copy is instrumental in helping businesses to connect with other businesses, and to create brand awareness and authority.  

Of course, that’s not the only thing B2B copy does.  

B2B copy provides the fuel that drives B2B content marketing. It even provides the tools and customer insights that enable sales. That’s still not all it does. B2B copy also functions as the glue to create lasting customer relationships by answering questions, addressing concerns and giving your customers everything they need to meet their business needs.  

Okay, but wait. What is B2B copywriting even?  


If you’re not sure what “B2B copywriting” means, it essentially refers to texts you write to promote your company to other businesses, or copywriting that otherwise contributes to your sales process. For instance, blog articles, social media posts, long-form content, such as white papers and ebooks, prospecting emails, and the copy on your website are all great examples of B2B copywriting 

When used correctly, B2B copywriting can have a huge impact on even the smallest business.  


What are the goals of B2B Copywriting?  

Although the style and processes of B2B and B2C copywriting differ, the goals are similar. With B2B copy we want to:  

  1. Close sales with confidence
  2. Bring in more customers 
  3. Service existing customers 
  4. Create brand authority and loyalty 

However, the way in which we achieve business goals with B2B copy is not the same as in the case of B2C. We achieve goals with B2B copy in the following ways:  

B2B copy helps to establish an emotional connection with prospective customers. 

One of the most important aims of effective B2B copywriting is that it establishes a connection with your target customers. This is the first step toward closing the deal.  


Many business owners and marketing managers want to dive straight into writing about why their company/product/service is great—rather than writing about what the prospect really cares about (what’s in it for them, how it can solve their problems, and address their pain points). Yes, these things often overlap, but B2B copy needs to be angled toward showing you understand the customers’ needs, challenges, and pain points. 

This means that you want to avoid statements such as “Product XYZ boasts Feature ABCan absolute game changer”. Instead, you’ll write things like “Get two hours of productivity time back every day to spend on revenue-generating activities when you use Feature ABC. Get it only with Product XYZ”. 

See the difference? Start by sharing the benefit with the target customer: how would it make their life easier, what problem would it solve, and so on. Once you’ve highlighted the benefit, then you can link it to the feature.  


B2B copy tip: One of the best ways to place yourself in the shoes of your target customer is to create buyer personas for the ideal customers who would benefit from your product/service.  



Read: 5 straightforward B2B copywriting strategies that actually work.  

B2B copy helps your customers to find your business when they’re searching for a product/service like yours. 

Besides making an emotional connection by speaking directly to your customers, it’s important to consider SEO (search engine optimisation) when setting your B2B copywriting and content marketing strategy. While this refers mainly to the copy on your website, your blog articles, and articles published on other platforms, it is important to bear in mind that search engines crawl everything—including social media platforms, so it’s important not to overlook these from an SEO perspective.  



The main goal of SEO is to have your website (or any of its specific pages) show up as soon and as high as possible in Google or other search engine results. This can be extremely valuable, as someone who searches for a topic related to your product/service can find you organically.  

Now, SEO is a massive topic, but there are a few basics that anyone can apply to their business copywriting, right away.  

  • Find out what people are searching for that has the potential to lead them to your business. This is called keyword research.  
  • Once you have a list of the keywords your target audience uses, you want to incorporate them into your website—naturally.  
  • Your goal is to get Google to recognise that your website is relevant to the keyword searches you’ve identified, and to prioritise showing your site in the top results when people do a search using that specific term. 
  • Blog, blog, blog and blog some more! Google loves sites with lots of fresh, relevant content. Develop blog topics around the keywords you identify, and blog on a regular basis, using those key terms. 

 B2B copy helps to move customers through the sales pipeline.  


Effective copywriting isn’t just critical in long-form content. A short email, landing page, or even just a call-to-action (like the one below) all incorporate copywriting. 


A strong CTA with a clever hook, such as “Get started for free”, is a good way to get customers to take the next step. The best way to do it is to leverage your knowledge about your customers to speak to them directly in the copy, and test out different language styles, formats, colours, and so forth, to see what works best to catch their attention.  

Great copywriting in a newsletter or landing page can convince prospects to read your blog, download a content upgrade, start a free trial, and ultimately to purchase a product or service. 

 B2B copy helps to build lasting relationships with customers. 

B2B-focused content gives you the tools to connect with customers and establish long-term working relationships. Such content includes detailed manuals for your products/services, user guides, and even FAQ pages.  

The purpose of B2B copy here is to build trust with your customers after they’ve made the purchase. It’s also aimed at helping the customer avoid buyers’ remorse. While customers should know by now how your product can solve their problems, they’re still going to need assistance on how to unlock the full potential of your product. So, set your brand up to create loyalty with educational, in-depth material. That way, customers will keep coming back to your business for years.   

  • Use your knowledge and expertise about your industry or niche to establish your business as a trusted source of information.  
  • Your goal here is to become recognised in the industry as a thought leader, which will attract more prospects to you.  
  • Don’t over-complicate it. Most of the time this simply means packaging your expertise into a blog post or social media update for others to consume or discover.  



Do B2B copy smartlyoutsource your content marketing creation to the experts. 

When it comes to B2B copywriting, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel when you can hire someone else who already knows exactly how to grease, roll and work that wheel.  

Whether your B2B tech company needs a landing page or an entire website, the team at Flowmesh will get the job done in five simple steps 

Check us out.